def man(): while 1: choise = input("[1]登录 [2]注册 [3]购物 [4]退出 请选择:>>") if choise == "1": login() elif choise == "2": register() elif choise == "3": print("请先登录,再进行购物".center(15,"*")) login() elif choise == "4": print("已退出系统".center(15,"*")) break else: print("输入有误重新输入") def register(): freg = open('pd_file', 'a+', encoding='utf-8') users_info = {} # 定义存放用户名,密码的 字典 for line in freg.readlines(): # 逐行读取用户名,密码,并存储到字典中 users = line.strip().split(',') users_info[users[0]] = users[1] while True: username = input('请注册用户名:>>').strip() if username in users_info.keys(): print('用户名已存在,请重新注册') man() else: password = input('请输入密码:').strip() # 确认两次密码输入 cpasswd = input('请确认密码:').strip() if username and password and cpasswd: if password != cpasswd: print('两次输入密码不一致,请重新注册!') register() else: freg.write(username + ',' + password + '\n') # 写入密码文件 print('注册成功') break freg.close() # def login(): # with open('pd_file_1', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: # users_info = {} # username = input('请输入用户名:>>') # for line in f.readlines(): # users = line.strip().split(',') # users_info = {"name": users[0], "pws": users[1]} # 循环获取 帐号和密码 # # print("用户名:%s 密码%s" % (users_info['name'], users_info['pws'])) # 用户名 密码 # # print(users_info["pws"]) # 密码 # if username == users_info["name"]: # 判断用户是否存在 # while 1: # password = input('请输入密码:') # if password == users_info["pws"]: # 判断用户密码是否正确 # print("登录系统成功".center(15,"*")) # shoping() # else: # n = 3 # while n > 0: # 三次错误密码循环 # n -= 1 # password = input('用户或密码错误,请重新输入,还有%s机会:>>' % n) # if n == 1: # print("用户或密码错误,注册或重新登录") # man() # break # else: # flog = "不存在" # 标记用 # if flog == "不存在": # print("用户不存在,请注册") # man() def login(): with open('pd_file', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: users_info = {} username = input('请输入用户名:>>') for line in f.readlines(): users = line.strip().split(',') users_info = {"name": users[0], "pws": users[1]} # 循环获取 帐号和密码 # print("用户名:%s 密码%s" % (users_info['name'], users_info['pws'])) # 用户名 密码 # print(users_info["pws"]) # 密码 if username == users_info["name"]: # 判断用户是否存在 while 1: password = input('请输入密码:>>') if password == users_info["pws"]: # 判断用户密码是否正确 print("登录系统成功".center(15,"*")) shoping() else: n = 3 while n > 0: # 三次错误密码循环 n -= 1 print('用户或密码错误,请重新输入,还有%s机会' % n) password = input('请输入密码:>>') if password == users_info["pws"]: # 判断用户密码是否正确 print("登录系统成功".center(15, "*")) shoping() if n == 1: print("用户或密码错误,注册或重新登录") man() break else: flog = "不存在" # 标记用 if flog == "不存在": print("用户不存在,请注册") man() def shoping(): product_lst = [ {"name": " 电脑 ", "price": 1999,"ID":0}, {"name": " 鼠标 ", "price": 10,"ID":1}, {"name": " 游艇 ", "price": 20,"ID":2}, {"name": " 美女 ", "price": 998,"ID":3}] shop_car = [] cost_money = 0 ID_lst = [] print("欢迎光临幸福超市".center(15,"*")) while 1: salary = input("输入金额进行购物:>>") if salary.isdigit(): salary = int(salary) break else: print("输入金额有误,请重新输入") chajia = 0 while 1: print("买商品信息如下".center(20, "*"), "\nID", "商品名称".center(9, " "), "价格") for i in range(len(product_lst)): print(i, product_lst[i]["name"].center(11, " "), product_lst[i]["price"]) # 输出商品列表信息 # print(i + 1, product_lst[i]["name"].center(11, " "), product_lst[i]["price"]) # 输出商品列表信息 choise = input("输入ID将商品加入购物车,[N]结算 [Q]退出:>>") if choise.isdigit(): # 开始购物 index = int(choise) # 购物车的 ID 下标 if int(index) < 0 or int(index) >= len(product_lst): print("选择有误,重新选择:>>") continue else: for item in shop_car: if item["ID"] == index: item["totle"] += 1 ID_lst.append(product_lst[index]["ID"]) break else: # 第一次商品加入购物车 增加ID项 和 数量项 shop_car.append({"ID": index, 'name': product_lst[index]['name'], "price": product_lst[index]['price'],"totle": 1}) ID_lst.append(product_lst[index]["ID"]) elif choise.upper() == "Q": # 退出时 不计算商品 print("退出购物商城,无购物".center(15, "*")) man() elif choise == "n": # 结算 商品 while 1: for i in range(len(shop_car)): # 打印购物车内商品信息 cost_money += shop_car[i]["price"] * shop_car[i]["totle"] while 1: # 进入移除商品循环 if len(shop_car) == 0: print("购物车内无商品") print("购物车已清空","\n无消费,余%s元" % (int(salary) - int(cost_money))) man() if int(salary) > int(cost_money): # 购物金额充足时 print("您购买商品信息如下".center(20, "*"), "\n商品名称", "数量".center(10, " "), "价格") for i in range(len(shop_car)): print(shop_car[i]["name"], str(shop_car[i]["totle"]).center(12, " "), shop_car[i]["price"]) print("共消费%s元,余%s元" % (int(cost_money), int(salary) - int(cost_money))) exit() else: # 购物金额不足时 chajia = int(salary) - int(cost_money) # 差的钱数 print("购物金额不足,请移除部分商品,还差%s元" % (chajia)) print("ID", "商品名称".center(5, " "), "数量".center(7, " "), "价格") for i in range(len(shop_car)): # 打印购物车内要移除的商品列表 print(shop_car[i]["ID"], shop_car[i]["name"].center(7, " "), str(shop_car[i]["totle"]).center(9, " "), shop_car[i]["price"]) # 输出商品列表信息 while 1: choise = input("输入移除商品ID,退出商城请按[Q]:>>") # 选择移除商品 ID if choise.isdigit(): choise = int(choise) if choise >= 0 and choise in ID_lst: # 存在一个小BUG break else: print("输入ID有误,请重新输入") continue elif choise.upper() == "Q": man() else: print("输入ID有误,请重新输入") for item in shop_car: if item["ID"] == choise and item["totle"] == 1: cost_money -= item["price"] # 商品为1件时移除 花费钱还回来 shop_car.remove(item) ID_lst.remove(int(item["ID"])) elif item["ID"] == choise: # 商品数量 减少 cost_money -= item["price"] item["totle"] -= 1 ID_lst.remove(int(item["ID"])) exit() else: print("输入有误,请重新输入:>>") def quit(): print("已退出系统".center(15, "*")) exit() man()